March 10, 2019

For this first Sunday of Lent, we continue in the gospel of Luke, but we go back a few chapters to the story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness. In this setting, Jesus seems to have an internal struggle—a debate with temptation itself—over the proper use of authority. It could be a true crisis moment. But here, we witness the strength and power of faithfulness.

March 3, 2019

Our focus on Sunday is living out justice. We will consider what justice requires of us, of the church, of society, of our faith. How do we work for systemic change? How do we work to further God’s justice on earth?

February 24, 2019

This week, we continues with Jesus’ Sermon on the Plain. Here we hear some of Jesus’ most memorable lessons, including the Golden Rule. How do all of these teachings further the message of Jubilee? How do these teachings call us to live, here and now?

February 17, 2019

This week, we are looking at the Beatitudes from Luke's Gospel as we celebrate Week of Compassion.

February 10, 2019

This week, we will hear the story of Jesus preaching to the crowd from Simon Peter’s fishing boat, and then Peter, James, and John leaving everything to follow Jesus. We will focus on the idea that what we fish for determines what we are likely to catch. . . . What are you fishing for?

February 3, 2019

This week, we pick up the story right where we left off last week. Jesus is preaching in his hometown, and what starts out as tender openness quickly turns to hostile violence when the hometown folks learn they will not be getting any special favors. The themes will be feelings of privilege and entitlement—where they come from and what they can lead to. And the work and wonder that Jesus does give to us.

January 27, 2019

This week, we begin our journey into Luke with the theme of remembering and living into our calling. What is the “Young and Fearless Prophet” saying to us today, as he reads from Isaiah and speaks about justice in his hometown?